Unlucky Wk...

Damn unlucky tis wk lor...
1st: 我害我班从第一掉到第五...
2nd: close my PI file without saving... have to do all over again n cannot finsh... Do until now leh....
4 hours of hardwork jus disappear like tat... damn sad...
I damn tired le... dont wish to continue anymore...
prodigy pig @ 4/12/2007 03:36:00 AM

Classmates n Frens!!
Guys more 自恋 than me!!
Photos taken by Kok Keng (He's playing with my phone la... Hahas...) :

prodigy pig @ 4/09/2007 07:05:00 PM

Nice weekend...
On Sat, me, xy, mummy n Peng went out... We go to orchard first... Walked Heeren, Taka n wisma... A long time no see them le... so happi... i really prefer dhoby's omelette than taka one... Sauce better, size bigger... more worth it...
So happi cos mummy sae me seems skinner le... hahas... 爽... Happi...
Share some photo me, xy n mummy took on the vivocity outdoor thingy...

prodigy pig @ 4/09/2007 06:52:00 PM

Me, being a pessimist...
I've always wonder y i didnt step out n start walking that very dae... if i've done so, i would probably end all my misery... then i can be fully relief frm all my stress... cause i'll be died now... if only i step out that very step... everything will change... everything...
I felt so down todae... I was responsible for the lost todae... So sorry...
prodigy pig @ 4/09/2007 04:51:00 PM

Hahas... finally got blog le... so happy..
i am like completely dont noe how to do la..
all thanks to xy...
prodigy pig @ 4/06/2007 10:27:00 PM