
从昨天 到今天 还有明天
爱的心 痛的心 等待的心
当初见面的不安 彼此探索
也许有点茫然迷惑 朝夕相处才发现
这世界中 没有人 比你们更懂我
朋友 姐妹 都已不够来形容 我们的默契骄傲 扶持与包容
老婆 老婆 我们一起打勾勾 请记得约定的旅程到永久
Repeat all once
这世界中 没有人 比你们更懂我
朋友 姐妹 都已不够来形容 我们的默契骄傲 扶持与包容
老婆 老婆 我们一起打勾勾 请记得约定的旅程到永久
prodigy pig @ 5/29/2007 12:52:00 PM

happi n sad...
i can wear the 2 jeans that i cant wear a few mths ago!! damn happi.. tis shows that i slim down le..
Damn happi... and furthermore it's a little bit big la... damn happi... must continue to slim...
i was sick todae.. AGAIN... ystdae i'm still very okay de lor.. then todae morning mum call me to wake up... i feel sick... damn it la.. not even a month since last time i sick... later i goin to see doc...
better be well by todae... tml got my 1st duty and I WANNA GO OUT WITH XY!! Fri got cca camp... i wanna go enjoy myself de!! :'(
prodigy pig @ 5/29/2007 12:46:00 PM

Endure for the last wk...
Hahas.. one more wk to holiday... totally cant feel the holidae mood but i noe goin to holidae le....
n thats hibernating for me...
Must slp until i full...
Holidae can go shopping watch movie le...
me damn long nvr watch any movie le la...
Last time sec 3 me n xy can go watch movie once a wk de...
Holidae got bbq... me damn happi...
cos at 1st i tot maybe some cant... but ystdae almost all msg me can la...
But got one funny soul sms me back ask me bbq morning or nite...
Stupid rite... where got peeps bbq in the morning de...
he sms back say bbq in morning more special ma...
*Diao* almost fainted...
holidae can be a gd break for me... the pace of life goin too fast lately... too stress oso...
Holidae can slow down a little then last wk chong for mid-yr... cant afford to be sick...
prodigy pig @ 5/19/2007 08:38:00 AM

Ystdae was a hitting dae for me....
1st i was hit by a bal which land right on my face but not joanna fault cos im nt focusing on the game... my fault for nt concentrating...
2nd my whole knee totally hit my computer table until the whole tablel shake la... got a scar n black blue... but nt painful..
3rd me lower leg hit the side of my bed... hahas.. totally hit... damn painful... another black blue...
hais... me too violent n rash le la...
prodigy pig @ 5/19/2007 08:32:00 AM

Tis few weeks not realli ve enough time to update my blog (partially because i lazy la...)
Thurs n Fri is my most tiring dae, although not much lesson but i slp for v long...
I like my econs teacher alot...
Though she go through content v fast but i stil can catch it...
Not bad...
Not like PAE that boring teacher...
Physics faculty test i did quite okay but got lots of stupid careless mistake...
i'm thinking of u every time...
nvr met for along time...
hope can like acccidentally meet u soon...
i'll be thrilled if it realli happen...
prodigy pig @ 5/04/2007 06:20:00 AM

Hahas... my nephew go to sch le...
No kids to play anymore...
Poor mum this few daes home alone...
i wan my nephew...
My hse is like so quiet without him...
prodigy pig @ 5/04/2007 06:15:00 AM