Endure for the last wk...

Hahas.. one more wk to holiday... totally cant feel the holidae mood but i noe goin to holidae le....
n thats hibernating for me...
Must slp until i full...
Holidae can go shopping watch movie le...
me damn long nvr watch any movie le la...
Last time sec 3 me n xy can go watch movie once a wk de...
Holidae got bbq... me damn happi...
cos at 1st i tot maybe some cant... but ystdae almost all msg me can la...
But got one funny soul sms me back ask me bbq morning or nite...
Stupid rite... where got peeps bbq in the morning de...
he sms back say bbq in morning more special ma...
*Diao* almost fainted...
holidae can be a gd break for me... the pace of life goin too fast lately... too stress oso...
Holidae can slow down a little then last wk chong for mid-yr... cant afford to be sick...
prodigy pig @ 5/19/2007 08:38:00 AM