WR... WR... WR...

sians using cecilia's laptop doin my wr nw... dont tired...
havent yet started my revision... feeling so sian ro start studying... scared that geog will fail and physics marks will drop cos i like lost interest..
switching frm living rm to bed rm soon..
becos i wan air con.. fan's making me tired...making my eyes tired...
coffee!! hahas.. tink i damn addicted to it le...
What am i still hoping for? To accidentally bang into him on street? That's imppossible...
prodigy pig @ 9/21/2007 11:24:00 PM

Long time nv update le... heh..
1st ting in my head is the dae we went back to nchs..
First disappointment n excitement at the same time...
Cos didnt saw the one i wanna see but saw the peeps i wanna see...
hehes... v complicated...
Then, Tien ask me if i gt bf.. then i replied him say,
"没有啦... 怎么可能会有人喜欢我这烂脾气"
Then he's like shocked becos of my reply... Hehe.. damn happi to see him being shocked..
but he like grow old v fast.. onli half year nvr see, he like all hairs turned white le...
damn ke lian...
2nd ting is that during the hols i did some reflection...
I'm tinkin am i living under my bro's shadow? copying each and everyting he does?
Like during sec, took the almost the same subject combi as him except pure scis.. n tat's the part i did badly tat screw up my marks... n end up in same jc as him.. n the onli 2 subjects i score is math n phy - the subjects he took...
Sometimes i tink that if he donesnt exist would i still score well in tis areas? or would i stil be me? [Emo...]
3rd v sorry to my mum...
cos she like first time goin overseas alone without us... then she like v nervous n confused, dont noe wat to buy etc... but suddenly ve lessons on thurs, then she already gt ready n sit there waiting for me but in the end i cant go... damn sorry to her...
but first time seeing her depending on me.. damn happi and her blur blur face is like v cute...
but she made me angry ystdae... say her sis buy de shoes v ugly then she go try that kind of shoes... waste my time goin round n round to help her choose the shoes la.. she wan that kind of shoes y dont like tell me straight... aaaarrrggghhh... angry!!!
4th thing is tat my hao lian aunt is like boosting to my mum again.. this time is abt my cousins bf... tink she 1st time daughter ve bf so so happi... it's v normal of guys sendin their gf home rit? if he's gd then my bro is like realli v gd la... he even go accompany his gf for lunch even though her gf is like working at a v far place... n then come hm for a while that go out again to fetch her hm.. then wat is he? damn gd bf?
hate my father side relative except for the 4th one... all v fake... dont noe how my eldest bro manage to be so gd with them... my bro can sure play tis kind of social politics damn well.. i like feel like killing them... i jus dont feel like fitting into them... or else i will go crazy la...
5th ting is tat i missed the chance to watch rat-a-toe-ee but nvrmind.. heh.. cos xy sick ma... v ke lian... other times ba... or watch frm internet oso can.. heh... after promos jiu free le... then can like relax for like 1 n 1/2 mths? damn happi.. must meet up k?
prodigy pig @ 9/16/2007 02:10:00 PM